How to use trading security check, top holder check

The check function is now available for Solana chain token also

Example is Burnlong token

The check function gave us one more additional information about the safety of the token for our asset in our wallet, we can click at it and look at the information being provided, here it show that 98% is locked. in case we want to check safety for other token, we just need to pass the contract of that token to the box in the picture below

after click, the information pretty clear that the token is low risk, the contract is renounced and buy and sell tax is not too high at 3% as well.

The slippage is fixed and cannot be modified, this is good that we are not being loss for dev more. They cannot set blacklist is also good because they cannot block the buyer.

We can also see the list of top holder, this is to make sure that we can check the token distribution is fair and correct.

and we can also see the trust level of community to this token at the end of this check page

Last updated